Advisory Notice | Electronic Submission of Claim Forms

Effective September 1, 2021 the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission’s carrier-partners will be required to submit Claims Forms 15, 17, 19 and 20 to the Commission via email.

The Form 18 must be submitted either by EDI or email. Listed below are the terms and conditions by which the Commission will take delivery of emailed Claims Forms. By submitting Forms via email, the submitting party accepts these terms and conditions and agrees to adhere to the same.

  • The SCWCC assumes no liability for the transmittal of information via email (as attachment or otherwise) to the Commission. Once received, the information delivered will be processed in a secure environment. The submitting entity assumes all liability for the safe and secure delivery of the information to the Commission.
  • The Commission will not process improperly submitted emails. Emails submitted to the Commission that do not adhere to the guidance direction given below will be rejected.
  • The Commission will date-stamp and return emailed Forms to the submitter if a request is sent via email to
  • The submitter will receive a “delivery confirmation” email reply.
  • E-delivery of Forms is provided as a courtesy tool for our carrier-stakeholders. As technical challenges/difficulties may occur, the Commission assumes no responsibility for delayed or failed email delivery events and Form due dates will not be modified based on e-delivery issues.
  • Please note: the Commission prefers that emailed Forms NOT contain the Social Security Number of the Injured Worker/Claimant.

For additional information regarding the format of the email, attachments, supporting documentation and acceptance verification, please read the advisory notice here.

Questions? Please contact an MGC attorney.